I'll make a post here since there's no per game post system in Newgrounds.
Drillionaire v0.8 add a bunch of new features, balances, and also my thought on this game as a whole.
- Find seed, plant it, and get new bonus, effect on your journey.
- 4 Type of seeds: Ore, Floral, Mushroom, and Herb. Each has different discovering methods.
- 19 new plants in total.
- 3 new tools: Watering can, Scissors, Trovel.
The Temple
- Break Drllion block to collect drillioncoin and unlock the temple.
- Enter the temple to reincarnate to reset your progress and spend drillioncoin for permanent unlock/ upgrade.
- 31 perma upgrades available.
- 5 new drill sets unlock by research and temple.
- Speed control now use mouse wheel while hovering on the drill.
- Some attributes balancing.
- Underground can spawn mana crystal (perma upgrade required)
- Collect mana to use spell.
- Some drill parts now comes with unique spell, click on the part to activate it.
Underground bonus
- Two new collectable bonus you can collect: Ore rush and Ore trail.
- Perma unlock required.
Mole attack
- Underground spawn different types of mole to attack your drill.
- Use item or spell to ‘chase it away’
Revamped item system
- Some item now have capacity value.
- Change some crafting recipe.
- New item indexing system, may cause conflict with old save.
Quality of life
- New scribble text rendering system allow for FANCIER text.
- Market dialog have more data.
- New sound for some UI element.
- You can now use item in your inventory for contract.
- Load file fail detection and roll back.
- Manual save button in setting.
The future of Drillionaire
The response I got from this game is AMAZING. The game is still being play every day and I found myself enjoy adding new feature for it too.
So I think I might treat this game as a long term project where I come in and add new random minigame here and there. I will still make new game of course, this just mean this game will get new update for a bit longer.”